The concept «ethnic minority» (variety -
«national minority») belongs to that group of scientific terms without which Latvian sociology in the period
of the restored national state system since 1991 is impossible to imagine. This
interest of Latvian sociologists is explained by the ethnopolitical reality: Latvia
historically, and especially in the second half of the 20th century
and in the beginning of the present century comes forward as an ethnically
varied society.
In general it can be noted that at the modern stage of Latvian
ethnosociological research, in the content analysis of the concept “ethnic
minority” in particular, multicultural ideas of Latvian sociologists about
multi-ethnic Latvian society are taking on more special significance. The scutiny
of the concept of «ethnic minority» in Latvian sociology during the period of
the restored Latvian state system also is important for the clarifiacation of
a concrete issue: in what way is the
Russian ethnic minority «built in» to the civil community and the national state.
The logics of «ethnic minority» content development in Latvian sociology are connected with the gradual orientation on
multicultural ideas of Latvian ethnic minorities.
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