Robert Wipper (1859-1954)– professor, major specialist in modern history of European states. >>
Theodore Vitram (1854-1914) – astronomer, surveyor, Doctor of Astronomy, professor at the Nikolay Military and Naval Academy, teacher-mentor, co-founder and chairman of the Russian Astronomical Society. >>
Nikolay Vladimirov (1932-2017) – professor, rector of Riga Institute of Civil Aviation engineering from 1981 to 1986. >>
Tatyana Vlasova (1926-2012) – theater expert, head of the department of the Riga Theater Museum. Author of numerous articles and books on the history of the Russian theater in Riga.. >>
Vladislav Volkov (1963) – Doctor of Sociology, senior researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (University of Latvia). >>
Mikhail Voronkov (1921-2014) – organic chemist. From 1992 foreign member of Latvian Academy of Science. >>
Eduard Yakubaitis (Jakubaitis;1924-2006) – a founder of the Riga scientific school of technical cybernetics. Director of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Engineering (1960-1992). Academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences >>
Tamara Yakubaitis (1927-1984) – Candidate of Philology, Docent of the Russian Language Department of the Latvian State University. >>
Viktoria Yarkina – a sworn advocate, Doctor of Law (Dr. iur.). >>
Dmitry Yegorov (1925-1976) – geologist, discovered large deposits of minerals (gold, etc.) in Siberia. >>