Sergey Polubinsky (1883-1962) – a teacher of the natural sciences. >>
Ivan Polyakov (1882–1951) – Director of Ludza Russian State Gymnasium from 1926 to 1934. Ordained to the priesthood in 1943. Photo: Director of Ludza Russian gymnasium Ivan Polyakov and teacher of th Law of God Fr Feofan Borisovich. >>
Antony Pommer (1890-1944) – a researcher of the history of Orthodoxy in Latvia, the brother of Archbishop John (Pommer). >>
Svetlana Poplavska (1946) – a teacher of English at the Riga10th secondary school from 1969 to 2004. >>
Georgy Poplyayev (1918–1979) – a teacher of Physics in the schools of Riga from 1947 to 1979, Honourable teacher of the Latvian Soviet Republic. >>
Olga Poplyayeva (1929–2021) – teacher of Russian and literature in the schools of Riga from 1951 to 1987. >>
Konstantin Portnov (1908-1943) – a teacher, old-believer`s public figure, teacher of clerical law, anti-fascit. Shot by the Nazi. >>
Komita Portnova (born Yershova;1901 -1943?) – a teacher, anti-fascist, shot bu the Nazi. >>
Galina Pospelova (1936–2018) – a teacher of history, Director of Riga 76th secondary school. Founder and Director of Riga Technolinguistic private secondary school. Honored teacher of the Latvian SSR, Doctor of pedagogy (Dr. paed.). >>
Vasiliy Pravdin (1855-1909) – an nspector of public schools. >>