Convention of the Clergy and Laymen
Alexey Makarov (1896–1943) – a teacher, from 1941 Principal of Riga city incoplete secondary school (Nr. ?), shot by the Nazi. >>
Lidiya Malkova (1936) – a teacher, director of the 32nd secondary school (1977-1984), 88th secondary school (1984-1998), since 1998 – director of the private school "Norma" >>
Mikhail Matveyev (1871-1961) – a Headmaster of Riga 4th Russian Elementary school, teacher of the Law of God. >>
Yelena Matyakubova (1957) – a Chair of the Latvian society of Russian culture (from 2006). Principal of private professional secondary school «Sigma». >>
Sergey Mazur (1966) – a historian, publicist, founder and head of Humanitarian seminar «Seminarium Hortus Humanitatis». >>
Boris Merkulov (1900-1964) – a teacher, political and public activist, journalist. >>
Sergey Mikhailov (1888-?) – in the interwar period lived in Latvia, taught in different educational institutions, including Russian University courses. >>
Maria Mikirova (1894-1963) – a teacher of Russian and History. >>
Taisia Mikula (1898-1983) – a teacher of the Riga Russian Goverment Gymnasium, in Russian and Belorussian secondary schools. In the post-war years, she continued to work in Russian schools of Riga until the mid-1960s. >>
Orest Milevsky (1836-1900) – a teacher, historian and translator. >>