The Russian Press of Latvia
The most popular Russian newspaper in independent Latvia 1918 – 1940 was Segodnya (‘Today’). It was well known far beyond the borders of Latvia and functioned as a pan-European Russian newspaper.
In Soviet times the fate of Segodnya was to a certain extent reflected in that of the Sovetskaya Molodyozh (‘Soviet Youth’) newspaper. It first came out in 1945. The Riga based Soviet Youth was successful in competition with numerous national (that time the USSR) level and regional press. The duty to publish formal communist editorials did not prevent development of a creative lively style in many articles. Soviet Youth became a real leader amongst liberal marked-oriented press. This newspaper was sold throughout the USSR. In 1989 its circulation was approximately 1 million and it would have been higher if subscription had not been artificially limited by the authorities.
The Baltic republics of the USSR were distinguished by a higher level of freedom of speech in comparison with other parts of the Soviet Union. Soviet Youth was the only Soviet newspaper to print interviews with Boris Yeltsin when he was an opposition politician. The paper provided efficient reporting of the bloody events in Baku and Tbilisi in the late 80s. In fact, all of the present day Russian press of Latvia follows the traditions laid down by the editorial staff of Soviet Youth.
In 1991, after independence was restored to Latvia, the traditions of Soviet Youth were continued by new Russian newspapers such as Vesti Sevodnya (‘Today’s News’), Chas (‘The Hour’), Biznes&Baltia (‘Business & The Baltics’), Telegraph and others. Freedom of speech in present-day Latvia is not restricted, contemporary Russian newspapers publish sharp, critical material on state policies and report on the economic, social and cultural life of Latvia in general and of the Russian community in particular.
Russian press of Latvia today is represented by 4 daily national newspapers, 11 weeklies, a dozen regional papers and over 30 magazines on the most diverse topics. There are women’s and men’s magazines, society columns’ fans, anglers, motoring fans, economists and accountants.
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