Nikolay Antipov
Nikolay Antipov (1904, Riga, Russian Empire – after 1949) – assistant chartered lawyer, public figure.
He studied law at the University of Latvia and represented the Russian students in many social organizations, such as Community of Russian Young people in Latvia, Board of Riga Russian society, Riga Russian club, Russian singers society “Bayan”.
He worked as lawyer in the 1st Solicitor's office. During the Soviet occupation was arrested for “counterrevolutionary activities and died in exile.
Information source:
Latvijas advokatūra 1919-1945. Biogrāfiskā vārdniīca. – Sast. Dr. hist. Ēriks Jēkabsons, Dr. hist. Valters Ščerbinskis. – Rīga, Latvijas Valsts vstures arhīvs, 2007, 89–90. lpp.