Fr. Alexey Toropogritsky with the choir of the Riga All Saints Church
Svetlana Khayenko (1941-2013) – a fine art expert, member of the Union of the Latvian Artists, publicist, Docent of the Baltic International Academy. >>
Clementina Khibshova (Hibsh) (1882-1957) – a famous harp player. >>
Arnold Khizhnyak (1936-2021) – professor, Hab. Doctor of Engineering (Dr. habil. sc. ing.), Head of the chair of the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Enginering. >>
Pyotr Khizhnyak (1924–?) – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent of the Riga Polytechnic Institute. >>
Nikolay Khodiyakov (1898-1970) – an otolaryngologist, Doctor of Medicine Sciences, founder of the school of otolaryngologists in Latvia. >>
Boris Kholodov (1941) – Doctor of Engineering (Dr. sc. ing.), Docent of the Riga Technical University. >>
Pavel Khomsky (1925-2016) – an actor (1948-1951), producer of Riga Russian Drama Theatre (1959-1961), producer of Riga Young Spectator`s Theatre (1951-1961). >>
Yuri Khrol (1933-2008) – Habilitated Doctor of Chemistry (Dr. habil. chem.), professor, specialist in wood chemistry and technology, forest ecology, honorary member of the Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences (2000). >>
Pyotr Khudobchenok (1947-2024) – a famous craftsman in ceramics from Daugavpils. >>
Stephan Kirillov (1877-1967) – Old Believers public and political leader. >>