Karp Grundulis (1862-1932) – an archpriest. >>
Anna Gruzdeva (1935-2022) – a teacher of Russian,Literature and History in the schools of Riga. >>
Yekaterina Gryazeva (1968) – an artist. >>
Iskra Gubanova (1924-2004) – candidate of engineering, assistant professor of the Chair of Resistance of Materials of Riga Polytechnic Institute. >>
Nikolay Gudanets (1957) –poet and writer. >>
Nika Plotnikova (1976) – an actress of Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre. >>
Anna Gumilyova (1889-1965) – wife of Dmitry Gumilyov (1884-1922), elder brother of the poet Nikolai Gumilyov. Teacher, author of the memoirs «Nikolai Gumilyov in the memoirs of his contemporaries.» >>
Alexander Gurin (1959) – Candidate of Historical Sciences, journalist. >>
Nikolay Guryanov (1909-2002) – archpriest. >>
Andrey Gusachenko (1982) – a Latvian historian, PhD in history, specialist in the fields of the White Movement, Russian anti-Bolshevik organizations in the interwar Latvia, as well as the history of the Russian community in Latvia. >>