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Andrey Gusachenko

Andrey Gusachenko

Andrey Gusachenko (31st of March 1982, Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov Oblast, RSFSR) – a Latvian historian, PhD in history, specialist in the fields of the White Movement, Russian anti-Bolshevik organizations in the interwar Latvia, as well as the history of the Russian community in Latvia.

Andrey Gusachenko was born in the city of Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov Oblast) in the family of doctors. He is a descendent of Don Cossacks. A. Gusachenko's great-grandfather, Sergey Kulikov, was an honorary citizen of the city of Novocherkassk.  

In 1984 the family moved to Liepāja (Latvia), where his parents had been working until 1988. The reasons for relocation were a softer climate, as well as a much higher level of living, especially in comparison with the inner regions of the RSFSR. Also, the family of Gusachenko's mother's brother resided in Latvia. Later, the family moved to the town of Iecava. In 1988 Andrey went to the first form at the Iecava Secondary School. After finishing the 9th form, he decided to connect his life and career with sea, and in 1997 he enrolled to the Latvian Maritime College of the Latvian Maritime Academy (the faculty of marine transportation), however, after graduating he understood, that the life of a mariner is not his true calling. In 2003 A. Gusachenko enrolled to the faculty of economics of the Baltic Russian Institute (since 2006 - Baltic International Academy), which he successfully finished in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in economics. Already during his studies A. Gusachenko started working in the field of sales. 

However, a successful career in business could not satisfy his inquisitive and agile mind, as well as an overwhelming interest in history, so in 2015 Andrey Gusachenko started his master's studies at the department of history of the faculty of history and philosophy of the University of Latvia. During his study period, professor Alexander Gavrilin (1953-2019) had especial influence on the future historian. Due to this influence were formed the main scientific interests of A. Gusachenko, namely Russian anti-Bolshevik movement and Russian community in the interwar Latvia. Special place in this process belongs to professor Ēriks Jēkabsons. Gusachenko's MA thesis was dedicated to the "Sokol" movement in independent Latvia. This work was acknowledged by the rector of the University of Latvia. In 2017 A. Gusachenko started his doctoral studies at the University of Latvia, simultaneously being a scientific secretary of the editorial board of the journal "Orthodoxy in the Baltics" (2016-2019), as well as a scientific assistant (2018-2024) and a researcher (since 2024) at the Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia. His doctoral thesis "Russian anti-Bolshevik movement in Latvia. 1920-1940" was developed under the supervision of professor Ēriks Jēkabsons and took 7 years to be finished. It became a true breakthrough in the research of the theme. In the course of work, the author introduced a great amount of unpublished materials from the archives of Latvia, Russia, Poland, Great Britain and the USA (including the Bakhmeteff Archive of Columbia University). The doctoral thesis was defended with merit in 2024. 

At the moment (2025) A. Gusachenko continues his scientific activities, which include participation in scientific projects and conferences, publications of articles, interviews in media etc. 

A. Gusachenko is an active parishioner of the Riga Orthodox Church of the Acheiropoieton in Torņakalns.

He is a member of Latvian student fraternity "Vendia". 

In his free time A. Gusachenko collects antique photos and post cards. In 2000s and the first half of 2010s he was a successful DJ.   


Parents– Sergey (1952) and Lubov (1956) Gusachenko.

Sister– Jana (nee Godaine, 1988).

Spouse– Līva Jansone-Gusachenko (1982, an interior designer).  

Children: Nikolas (2011) and Philipp (2017).

Scientific publications (by the January of 2025): 

1) Gusačenko, A. Ziemeļrietumu armijas bijušo militārpersonu emigrācija un repatriācija uz Latviju 1920. gadā: militāri - politiskais konteksts // Latvijas Kara muzeja Gadagrāmata XIX (2022).

2) Igor Kopõtin, Andrejs Gusačenko. The vision of foreign intervention in the USSR as planned by Russian military émigrés at the end of 1920s: The Baltic context / Igor Kopõtin, Andrejs Gusačenko // LVIŽ 116, Rīga: LU, 2022 (Indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science)

3) Ēriks Jēkabsons (atb. red.). Karš un sabiedrība Latvijā 1914–1920. Review // LVIŽ 115, Rīga: LU, 2022 (Indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science)

4) Krievijas Ziemeļrietumu armijas sabrukuma sekas 1919.–1920. gadā: Latvijas konteksts // Vēsture 11/12 ,  Rīga: LU VFF, 2022

5) The Emergence and Restoration of the State: Latvia in 1918 and 1990 // TalTech Journal of European Studies Tallinn University of Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1 (33) / Tallinn. (Indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science). Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2021

6) Loodearmee endiste sõjaväelaste väljaränne ja repatrieerimine Lätti 1920. aastal:      sõjalis-poliitiline kontekst // Narva muuseumi toimetised 22 (2021) Vabadussõja lõpp Narvas 1920. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2021

7) Krievu militārie formējumi Latvijā 1919. g. maija-jūlijā. Latvijas Kara muzeja gadagrāmata. Rīga: Kara muzejs, 2020

8) Благотворительная деятельность русских молодежных движений в Латвийской Республике в 20–30-х гг. ХХ века. ЭНОЖ. (Indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science) Moscow, 2020

9) Pretboļseviku izpausmes Latvijā 1927. gadā: Vitālija Aderkasa gadījums. Žurnāls Latvijas Arhīvi. Rīga: Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, 2019

10) The activities of Russian Monarchists” in the Documentation of the Latvian Political Police Department (1920–1940). Specific Characteristics of the Source. Modern History of Russia. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, 2020

 (Indexed in SCOPUS and in Web of Science)

11) The Social activities of Russian youth movements in the Republic of Latvia (1920-1940). Dialogue with time. Moscow: Insitute of World History at Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019  (Indexed in SCOPUS and in Web of Science)

12)  Latvijas Neatkarības karš krievu iedzīvotāju skatījumā 1919. gada pirmajā pusē. Latvijas Vēstures instutūta žurnāls 2019 (1). Rīga: LU: Latvijas Vēstures institūts, 2019

13) Воспоминания протоиерея Владимира Блазмы. Православие в Балтии Nr.8 (17)

Православие в Балтии, Nr. 7 (16). Rīga: LU: Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2018

14) Анна Гарклава жизнь православночо латышского прихода в г. Лимбажи в 1944 - 1964 гг. Православие в Балтии, Nr. 7 (16). Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts. Rīga, 2018

15) История храма в честь иконы “Всех скорбящих Радосте” в г. Рига. Православие в Балтии, Nr. 7 (16). Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts. Rīga, 2018

16)  Krievu minoritāte un “Sokol” organizāciju darbība starpkaru Latvijā. Jauno vēsturnieku zinātniskie lasījumi. Nr. 2. Rīga: LU Latvijas Vēstures institūts, 2016

17) “Sokol” organizāciju darbība starpkaru periodā Latvijā. Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls “Vēsture”, Nr. 3 (98). Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2017

18)  Деятельность сокольских организаций в межвоенной Латвии. Новый Журнал (The New Review), Nr. 287. New York: Новый журнал, 2017

19) “Сокольство”, “скаутизм” и русская эмиграция в довоенной Латвии. “Берега”, Nr. 21.. Санкт-Петербург: Центр Русская эмиграция, 2017

20) Движение “Сокол” в контексте русской эмиграции в Латвии в 20-30-х годах ХХ века. “Вопросы исторической науки” IV. Молодой ученый. Москва, 2016

Source of information:

Curriculum vitae of Andrey Gusachenko.