Participants in the charity event White Flower Day at the enrtance to the Riga Government Russian Secondary School (High School)
Natalia Abola (1953) – TV presenter, producer, TV journalist, owner of the company TV ALTER A, deputy of the Riga City Council. >>
Yulia Alexandrova (1965) – a journalist of Russian-language publications, teacher. >>
Sergey Belotsvetov (1873-1938) – an editor and teacher of clerical law. >>
Nikolay Berezhansky (real name – Kozyrev; 1884–1935) - journalist, political reviewer, newspaper commentator, collector of Russian folklore. >>
Alexander Blinov (1945) – journalist, from 1983 to 1997 chief editor of the newspaper «Sovetskaya Molodezh». From 2000 to 2013 – chief editor of the newspaper «Vesti Segodnya». >>
Mikhail Bombin (1951-2011) – correspondent of the radio «Svoboda» in Riga. >>
Georgy Celms (1937–2018) – a journalist, worked as a correspondent of the newspaper «Komsomolskaya Pravda» and speсial correspondent of «Literaturnaya gazeta» in the Baltic, publicist in the magazine «Ogonyok». >>
Alexander Cherevchenko (1942) – a poet, translator, publicist and editor-in-chief of the weekly Sem Sekretov ("Seven Secrets") (1997–2019). >>
Vasily Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky (1867-1923) – a historian of the Russian literature, translator, critic, publicist. >>