13th graduates of Riga School No13

13 школа

13th graduates of Riga School No13
Photo album prepared by L.Kleshnina.

Official opening of the exhibition «Russians of Latvia»

Video telling about the official opening of the exhibition "Russians of Latvia".
Author D.Trubetskoy.

Riga Pokrov Cemetery

Покровское кладбище

Video telling about the Riga Pokrov Cemetery.
Author A.Lentz.

Photos and documents from Galina and Alexander Tihomirov family archive


Galina and Alexander Tikhomirov started their familyat the beginning of 1950s. Galina Tikhomirova was teaching history in Riga schools for more than 30 years. Alexander Tikhomirov comes from Latgalia, from the family of old believers. During the Second World War he participated in the partisan movement. Many years he worked at Riga base of refrigerator fleet, worked in the sea.
Photo album prepared by S. Kovalchuk and T. Feigmane.

Photos from Grigory Yolkin's (1909–1974) archive

Елкин Г.Г.

In 1946 Grigory Yolkin was sent to work in Latvia, to the system of fishing industry, which was one of the leading branches of the republic. From 1946 till 1948 he worked at Ventspils fish-factory, and in 1948 he was transferred to Riga to fish-cannery “Kaija”, and was its director from 1954 till 1956. From 1956 till his retirement in 1969 Grigory Yolkin worked first as the chief engineer, and later the director of Riga sardine factory.
Photo album prepared by N.Yolkina.

Photos from Anastasia Pomogaibina`s (1918-2004) Archive

Anastasia Pomogaibina came to Riga in 1946 together with her husband Grigory Yolkin, who was sent to work in fishing industry of the Latvian SSR. Almost all her working period was connected with fish-cannery «Kaija» the leader of Latvian fishing industry.
Photo album prepared by N. Yolkina.

Documents from G. Yolkin's and A. Pomogaybina's Family Archive

Documents from G. Yolkin's and A. Pomogaybina's Family Archive.
Photo album prepared by N.Yolkina.

The Old Believers of Riga

The photo album has been prepared for the 250th anniversary (2010) of the Church of the Riga Grebenshchikov Old Believers’ Community.
Photo albun prepared by the Oldbrliviers society of Latvia and the Latvian University Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.

Photo Album of Eugene Klimoff's Artworks, prepared by Margarita Saltupe

Eugene Klimoff (1901-1990) is the author of about 300 paintings, a majority of drawings, lithographs, some dozens of woodcuts and zinc engravings. Well known are his mosaic works, the best of them is considered to be «The Holy Trinity»,  which he made for the HolyTrinity Cathedral in Pskov.
Prepared for publishing on the web by T. Feigmane.

Documents from Ilya Astashkevich’s Archive (1891-1972)

The graduate of the rural school Ilia Astashkevitch all his conscious life (except his service in the Army during the First World War and later the time of imprisonment and exile in 1945-1954) devoted to the pedagogical work. Documents from the personal archives of Ilia Astashkevitch depict not only his personal destiny, but also witness the epoch he was living in.
Documents selected and prepared by T.Pavele and T.Feigmane.
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