The Old Believers of Riga
Arnold Podmazov
About the Project. The Old Believers of Riga: 250 Years of Cultural Historical Experience
This digital album ‘The Old Believers of Riga’ is issued in the course of a project ‘The Old Believers of Riga: 250 Years of Cultural Historical Experience’ carried out by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Latvian University and the Old Believers Society of Latvia with a financial support from Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Norway within the framework of the EEA Financial Mechanism as well as the financial support from the Republic of Latvia Government and from the Society Integration Foundation.
In the year 2010 the Russian Orthodox Old-Believers of Riga are celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos of the Grebenshchikov Community. The Grebenshchikov Community is the spiritual center for Old-Believers in Latvia as well as abroad. The contents including an insight into historical background and present-day activities of the Old-Believers’ community are represented and complemented by photos in this issue.
The album was created by project team:
Chief executive of
the project & editor of the album - Illarion Ivanov
Author - Arnold
Editor - Nadežda Pazuhina
Latvian translation - Arta
English translation - Velga Vēvere, Valters Dolacis
translation - Jelena Lapiņa
Proofreader of the Russian version - Zoya
Proofreader of the Latvian version - Arta Jāne
Proofreader of
the English version - Jānis Vējš
Design & layout - Matīss
Project coordinator - Vallija Rone
Sources of photographs used in the album:
Archive of the
Riga Grebenshchikov Old Believers’ Community,
Archive of the Old Believers’
Society of Latvia,
Archive of the I. Zavoloko Old Believers’ Society,
Family archives of the Old Believers of Riga (families Zhilko, Miroljubov,
Vasiljev, Volkov, Chernjavskie, Isachenko, and Langer),
Photographs from the
issue Русские в Латвии. Каталог выставки. (Рига, 2008.)
Special thanks for the photographs to:
Vladimir Nikonov,
Nikolay Ivanov,
Anatoliy Shutenkov,
Vasiliy Degtjarjov,
Viktoria Matison
Aleksiy Karataev,
Pjotr Aleksejev
Acknowledgments for help and consulting to:
Feodor Behchanov,
Aleksander Gavrilin,
Nadežda Petkevich
Tatiana Feigmane,
Viktoria Aleksandrova,
Ludmilla Kleshnina,
Arta Jāne,
Jānis Vējš,
Zoya Saveljeva,
Vitaliy Permjakov,
Mārtiņš Mintaurs,
Irina Shurmel,
Boris Miroljubov,
- Introduction
- Schism and “Old Belief”
- Beginnings of the Old Believers on the territory of Latvia
- Confessional Characteristics of Old Believers in Latvia
- Old Believers’ Church Building and Liturgy
- Books and Book Culture
- Iconographic Traditions of Riga Old Believers
- Pomorian Old Believer Traditions of the Art of Copper Casting
- Old Believer Churches in Riga
- Old Believer Societies in Riga
- Old Russian Residents of Riga and Old Believers in the 18th century
- The Years of Prosperity and the Years of Misery: Riga’s Old Believers in the 19th Century
- Riga Old Believers at the Turn of 19th and 20th Centuries
- Riga Old Believers in the Independent Latvia (1918–1940)
- Riga Old Believers During the Soviet Period (1940–1941, 1944–1991)
- Riga Old Believers after the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence
- Photogallery
- About the Project. The Old Believers of Riga: 250 Years of Cultural Historical Experience