Sergei Kruk
Sergei Kruk born on 20 June 1968 in Sigulda, Latvia
2003 Doctoral degree in Information and Communication Sciences (Dr. sc. inf.), Université Paris-II Panthéon-Assas.
1999 Master degree (DEA) in Media and Multimedia, Université Paris-II Panthéon-Assas.
1997 Master degree (M.Phil.) in Media Studies, University of Oslo.
1996 Traineeship for broadcasting teachers, Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes CFPJ, Paris, 23 September – 18 October.
1994 Traineeship at Telecommunications College, Ohio University, Athens, OH.
1991 Diploma in Journalism from University of Latvia.
Professional Experience:
2012 Professor, Faculty of Communication, Riga Stradins University.
2007–2011 Associated professor, Faculty of Communication, Riga Stradins University.
2006–2007 Senior researcher, Faculty of Communication, Riga Stradins University.
2005–2006 Fulbright Scholar, Indiana University.
2002 Researcher, Institute of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, January-March.
2000–2006 Expertise of verbal and visual texts, Security Police of the Republic of
Latvia; Constitution Protection Bureau of the Republic of Latvia.
Since 1997 Advisor, lecturer at the National Public Television and Radio.
1995-2005 Lecturer, assistant professor, chair of the Department, Department of Communication, University of Latvia.
1988-1995 Journalist, chief editor, head of the Russian section, Latvia National Radio.
Research Experience:
2007 Monitoring of news broadcasts (commissioned by the National Broadcasting Council).
2007 „Values of civil society in parliamentary discourse” (commissioned by the Soros Foundation – Latvia).
2007 „Homophobia in public discourse” (commissioned by the Latvian government).
2005 „Computerised analysis of the parliamentary discourse” (University of Latvia).
2005 „Tolerance in media and political discourse in Latvia” (commissioned by the Latvian government).
2004 „Television across Europe” (OSI-EUMAP).
2004 „Audit of Democracy” (University of Latvia and Strategic Analysis Commission).
2002 „Electoral discourse in media” (Department of Integration of Latvian government).
2002 „Monitoring of the Social Integration Process and Policy” (commissioned by the Latvian government).
2000 „Analysis of Latvian media” (commissioned by the Soros Foundation-Latvia).
1997 „Towards Civic Society” (commissioned by the Soros Foundation-Latvia).
Academic Conferences:
2012 23rd International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Chicago University, Chicago, IL, April 27–29.
2011 Krišjāņa Barona konference „Tradīcija un robežas”. Rīga, October 24–27.
2011 2nd Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts. Athens, Greece, June 6-9.
2010 Russian-Latvian Relations. I. Kant Russia State University, Kaliningrad, Sept. 17.
2010 42nd Baltic Musicology Conference. Rīga, Academy of Music, October 28–29.
2010 Europe-Russia: Images, Contexts, Discourses. Rīga, University of Latvia, June 9–12.
2009 Beyond Cold War Linearities: Entangled Histories and Interactive Ideas. Budapest December 9–10.
2009 European Democracy – foundations, milestones, possible futures. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Copenhagen, June 2.
2009 RSU Academic Conference, Rīga, April 2–3.
2009 Conference on the Historical Use of Images. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 10-11 March.
2008 Soviet Culture: A Failed Project of Soviet Modernity? Vitautas Magnus University, Vilnius, June 6–7.
2008 21st International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, May 29–June 1.
2008 Interpretation of the Socialist Realist Art. Rīga, Art Academy, May 19–20.
2008 Culture translation, Rīga, Centre of Contemporary Art, May 9–10.
2008 Baltic Association of Media Researchers: Setting comparative Baltic-Nordic media research agenda. Kaunas, April 18–19.
2008 Culture and Dialogue, LCC International University, Klaipeda, April 11–12.
2007 K. Barons Conference „Holidays and festivities: traditions in Latvia”, Rīga,
October 30–31.
2007 Regards croisés franco-lettons sur l’Europe. Les représentations des identités
européennes et le défi de l’élargissement. Riga, Lettonie, May 25–26.
2006 20th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, George Washington University, Washington DC, June 15–17.
2006 The Rule of Law. A View From American West. Denver, CO, April 19–22.
2005 17th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research. Aalborg, August 12–14.
2004 Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. University of Latvia, Riga, November 18–19.
2004 Kr. Barons Conference „Tradition and Creativity”. Riga, University of Latvia, October 29.
2004 Changing and Overlapping Identities. Riga, University of Latvia, September 17–18.
2004 19th International Conference of Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies, University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada, June 3–5.
2003 Language of Science. Riga, University of Latvia, November 19.
2003 Post-communist transformation and democratisation in Latvia. Riga, LU and BKI, October 17–18.
2003 F. R. Kreutzwald 200th anniversary conference. Tartu Learned Society, Estonia, January 17.
2002 Intercultural communication and media in search of common values. Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication, Riga, 21–23 November.
2002 Re-thinking Culture and Literature: Transnational and Comparative Spaces. University of Latvia, Riga, November 1–3.
2002 Mass Media and Communication in the e-Society of the 21st century: Access and Participation. Moscow State University, October 17–19.
2002 18th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, June 6–8.
2002 First Eurasian Media Forum. Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 26–28.
2002 61th Academic Conference of University of Latvia, Riga, February 15–17.
2001 15th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research. Reykjavik, August 11–13.
2001 60th Academic Conference of University of Latvia. Riga, February 12–14.
1999 14th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research. Kungälv, Sweden, August 7–9.
1999 Media and Democracy. Goethe Institute, Riga.
1997 Prejudice and Racism in Media. Amsterdam University, September 15–17.
1997 Media and Social Change. Napier University, Edinburg, UK, September 3–5.
1997 Media Theory and Journalism Training: Allies or Enemies? Amsterdam University, EJC, Maastricht, July 21–24.
1996 G. Merkel Conference. Goethe Institute, Riga, October 26.
1996 Post-Soviet Media. Stirling University, UK, January 13–17.
Membership in Professional Organisations:
Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies,
Baltic Association for Media Research.
Member of:
Advisory Board of the National Broadcasting Council.
M. Vulfson award for the contribution to Latvian journalism, 2006.
Russian, Latvian, English, Italian, French, Polish (basics), Norwegian (basics).
Courses Taught at the University:
Radio journalism, TV journalism, Discourse analysis, Semiotics, Sociology of culture, Theories of communication.
Academic publications:
Крук, С. (2012) «Критика концепции интеграции латвийского общества» [A Critic of the Latvian Programme of Integration], Слово.ру: балтийский акцент.
Kruk, S. (2011) „A place: geographical and social borderlines”. Pp. 42-48 in V. Michelkevičius (comp.) Generation of the place: Image, memory and fiction in the Baltics. Vilnius: Mene.
Kruk, S. (2011) „Evicting the Speaking Subject: A Critique of the Latvian Concepts of Language”, Journal of Baltic Studies 42(4):447-63.
Kruk, S. (2011) Ārtelpas skulptūras semiotika, ekonomika un politika [Semiotics, Economics and Politics of Outdoor Sculpture]. Rīga: Neputns.
Крук, С. (2011) „Недостаток мета-коммуникации в отношениях Европа – Россия” [Missing meta-communication in the E.U. – Russia realations]. Pp .44-51 in I. Novikova (ed.) Europe – Russia. Contexts. Discourses. Images. Riga: Latvia University Centre for Gender Studies.
Kruk, S. & J. Chakars (2010) „Agency, Awakening and the Audiovisual: Broadcasting in Late-Soviet Latvia”, Central European Journal of Communication 3(1):53-65.
Kruk, S. (2010) „Wars of Statues in Latvia: Monuments Making and Telling History”. Forthcoming in Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis – Revue Belge de Philologie et Histoire 87(3-4):705-721.
Kruk, S. (2010) „Profit rather than politics: the production of Lenin monuments in Soviet Latvia”, Social Semiotics 20(3):247-76.
Kruk, S. (2009) „Problems of Democracy, Communication and Society: the case of Latvia”. Pp. 103-20 in European Democracy. Foundations, milestones, future perspectives. Copenhagen: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Bleiere, D., I. Šneidere, J. Stradiņš, S. Kruks et al. (2009) „Nacionālkomunsti 1959. gada notikumu kontekstā. Apaļā galda diskusija „Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāla” redakcijā” [Latvian National Communism in 1959], Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls 2:149-173.
Kruk, S. (2009) „The Ideal of Homogeneity in the Concept of Latvian Culture” / „Vienveidības ideāls latviešu kultūras koncepcijā”. Pp. 3-7 in Kultūras tilkošana: no nacionālā uz hibrīdo // Cultural Translation: From National to Hybridity. Rīga: The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art. Available at
Kruks, S. (2008) „Par mūziku skaistu un melodisku!” Padomju kultūras politika 1932-1964 [„We Need Beautiful and Melodic Music!” Soviet Cultural Policy, 1932-1964]. Rīga: Neputns.
Kruks, S. (2008) „Kokaina valsts valoda: Saeima runā par pilsonisko sabiedrību”. Pp. 89-180 in I. Ījabs, S. Kruks. Saeima, vārdi un demokrātija. Rīga: Sorosa Fonds – Latvija.
Kruk, S. (2008) „Semiotics of visual iconicity in Leninist ‘monumental’ propaganda”, Visual Communication 7(1):27-56.
Kruks, S. (2007) Konflikta saasināšana: politiķu, žurnālistu, atbalstītāju un pretinieku diskursi par Rīgas praidiem. Rīga: Baltijas Sociālo zinātņu institūts. (Nepublicēts pētījums).
Kruks, S. & J. Juzefovičs (2007) Ziņas Latvijas televīzijās. LTV1, LTV7, TV3, LNT, TV5 un PBK ziņu raidījumu satura analīze. Rīga: NRTP.
Kruks, S., J. Juzefovičs, G. Kikusts & E. Kikuste (2007) Ziņas Latvijas televīzijās. LTV1, LTV7, TV3, LNT, TV5 un PBK ziņu raidījumu satura analīze. Rīga: NRTP.
Kruks, S. & I. Šulmane (2007) „Mass media in democracy”. In J. Rozenvalds (ed.) How democratic is Latvia: Monitoring of Democracy. Riga: Zinātne.
Kruk, S. (2007) „Concept of the Nation in Latvian Parliamentary Discourse.” In J. Rozenvalds (red.) Parlamentārais diskurss Latvijā. Saeimas plenarsēžu stenogrammu datorizētā analīze. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds.
Kruks, S. (2007) „Daugavpils masu mediju sistēma”. In Ž. Ozoliņa u. c. (red.) Daugavpils kā attīstības ceļvedis. Rīga: Zinātne.
Kruk, S. (2006) „Ears and father, ogres and society. Reply to Guntis Šmidchens”, Journal of Folklore Research 43(3):281-295.
Kruks, S. & I. Šulmane (2006) Neiecietības izpausmes un iecietības veicināšana Latvijas presē 2004. gadā. Rīga: ĪUMSIL.
Kruks, S. (2005) Radiožurnālistika. Rīga: Valters un Rapa.
Kruks, S. (2005) „Kalevipoeg ja Lacplesis: Kuidas kujutame ette oma ühiskonda?” In Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi aastaraamat 2003. Tartu: Tartu University Press.
Kruk, S. (2005) „Television across Europe: regulation, policy and independence. Latvia”. In Monitoring television across Europe. Budapest: Open Society Institute.
Kruks, S. (2005) „Lacplesis ja Kalevipoeg”, Vikerkaar 7-8:140-161.
Kruks, S. & I. Šulmane (2005) „Mass media in democracy”. In J. Rozenvalds (ed.) How democratic is Latvia: audit of Democracy. Riga: University of Latvia.
Kruk, S. (2005) „Latvians and Latvia’s residents: Representation of the National Identity in Public and Private Discourses”, Acta Universitatis Latviensis (Political Science) 680:101-110.
Kruk, S. (2005) „Information Flow In the Soviet Union: Synergetic Approach”. In Ž.Ozoliņa (ed.) Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. Riga: University of Latvia.
Kruks, S. (2004) „The Latvian Epic Lāčplēsis: Pass-partout Ideology, Traumatic Imagination of Community”, Journal of Folklore Research 41(1):1-32.
Kruks, S. (2004) „„Agrākā „mazā” Latvija tagad ir liela un stipra.” Viļa Lāča padomju Latvijas modernizācijas naratīvs”, Agora 2:204-222.
Kruks, S. (2004) „Kolektīvā identitāte: nācijas un grupas”, Agora 1:7-23.
Kruks, S. (2004) „Ļaunuma diskurss un pozitīvā pašidentitāte”, Agora 1:159-168.
Kruks, S. (2003) „Kalevipoeg and Lāčplēsis: The Way We Imagine Our Communities. A Sociological Reading of Estonian and Latvian Epics”, Interlitteraria 8:227-47.
Kruks, S. (2003) „Valodas lietojums varas attiecību diskursā”. In M. Baltiņš, D. Markus (sast.) Konferences „Zinātnes valoda” materiāli. Rīga: Valsts prezidentes dibinātā Valsts valodas komisija.
Kruks, S. (2002) „Discursive construction of citizens in political address”. Pp. 20-38 in A. Veisbergs (ed.) Sastatāmā un lietišķā valodniecība. Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. Contrastive Studies Research Papers. Vol. XI. Riga: Faculty of Modern Languages.
Kruks, S. (2002) „Political Discourse in Latvia: from Propaganda to Marketing”, Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia 1(34):47-70.
Šulmane, I. & S. Kruks (2002) „Ethnic and Politic Stereotypes in Latvian and Russian Language Press in Latvia”, Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia 1(34):71-90.
Kruks, S. & I. Šulmane (2002) Pilsoniskās sabiedrības attīstība un sabiedrības integrācija. Rīga: Komunikācijs studiju nodaļa.
Kruks, S. (2002) „Radio karš. Propaganda latviešu valodā Otrajā pasaules karā”, Latvijas Arhīvi 4:97-118.
Kruks, S. (2002) „Politisko aktoru diskvalifikācija publiskajā diskursā. Pasīvā pilsoņa konstruēšana preses ziņās”, Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Komunikācija 648:196-226.
Kruks, S. (2002) „Prece un patība. Materiālo referentu loma elites un vidusslāņa kolektīvās identitātes veidošanā”, Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Komunikācija 648:78-87.
Kruks, S. (2001) „Demokrātijas vizuālais veidols. Priekšvēlēšanu reklāmas vēstījumu paradoksi”, Latvijas Arhīvi 4:111-124.
Kruks, S. (2001) „Hallo, šeit Rīga – Radiofons!”, Latvijas Arhīvi 2:45-73.
Šulmane, I. & S. Kruks (2001) „Stereotipi Latvijas presē”. In S. Kruks (ed.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.
Šulmane, I. & S. Kruks (2001) „Pilsonības problēmas Latvijas presē”. In S. Kruks (ed.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.
Kruks, S. (2001) „Russian-language media in Latvia”. In S. Kruks (ed.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.
Kruks, S. (2001) „Latvijas TV ziņu saturs”. In S. Kruks (ed.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.
Kruks, S. (2000) „Sabiedrības integrācijas komunikatīvie aspekti”. Daudzveidība II. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.
Kruks, S. (1998) „Generalizations are the enemies of fair reporting”. In M. Bromley (ed.) Reporting ethnic minorities. Maastricht: European Journalism Centre.
Kruks, S. (1997) „Latvijas modernizācija un komunikatīvā prakse”, Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas vēstis 51(1/2):124-127.
Høyer, S. (ed.) (1996) Towards the Civic Society. Tartu: Tartu University Press. (Sadaļa par Latvijas radio).
16 April 2012