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Pyotr Antropov

Pyotr Antropov

Pyotr Antropov (1945, Rezekne District, Latvian SSR) – poet and publicist.

P. Antropov was born on 16 Septemder 1945 in Latgale (Eastern Latvia) in the poor old belivier's family. He had to work hard from childhood and began to study to improve his position in society. He graduated from Riga  Polytechnic Institute, studied journalism. Since 2002 has been teaching the basics of advertising and PR  in the Baltic Innernational Academy.

His was deeply interested in poetry, especially S. Yesenin and wrote many poems himself.

P. Antropov worked for many years as journalist in the newspapers «Sovetskaya Latvia» and «The Moscow News».

He manifested himself as a talented journalist and poet. His poems were translated into many languages.




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