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Alexandra Beltsova

Alexandra Beltsova

Alexandra Beltsova (1892, Chernigov Governorate, Russian Empire – 1981, Riga, Latvian SSR) – an artist.

She was born in Ukraine on the 17th of March 1892, received education at the Penza Art College, where at that time studied young Latvian artists Romans Suta, Konrads Ubans, Jekabs Kazaks, Valdemars Tone and others. After graduating from the College, A. Beltsova spent several years of her life in Petrograd, where she was affected by left-wing trends in art. In 1919 she moved to Riga where got married to Romans Suta, and soon enough they both became members of Riga Group of Artists.

While visiting Europe, the couple was inspired by modernist treands, namely, cubism and constructivism.

This infatuation gave birth to the Latvian national-constructivist interior style.

Their workshop decorated china «Baltars» was highly popular and esteemed in Latvia and abroad.

A. Beltsova was also a typical representative of art-deco in Latvia.

She was involved in Latvian art for many years, yet never lost her Russian national originality.

Татьяна Сута. Пастели Александры Бельцовой

Анжела Ржищева. Любовный четырёхугольник

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