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Metropolitan Agafangel (Preobrazhensky)

Metropolitan Agafangel (Preobrazhensky)

Agafangel (27.09.1854, Tula gub. – 16.10.1928, Yaroslavl) – Orthodox Bishop of Riga and Jelgava from 1897, Arch-Bishop of Riga and Mitau from 1904 to 1910.

Agafangel became famous not only as holy pastor but also as advocate of enlightment and technical progress. He took part in the first trial run of electric tram in Riga and promoted installation of electricity in the Cathedral of the Birth of Christ. During his position as the head of Riga Eparchy were opened 30 new parochial schools. At the time of the revolution of 1905 he called for mercy. After the victory of  the bolsheviks in 1917 spent  some years in exile and prison.

In 2000 the Assembly of the Russian Orthodox Church canonized him as holy New Martyr.

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