Valentin Popov (1937) – Hab. Doctor of physics (Dr. habil. phys.), Professor of the Riga Technical University, professonal musician-singer (lyric-dramatic tenor). >>
Viktor Popov (1932-2008) – Doctor of Medicine. Initiated the creation of the Baltic-Slavonic Society, which he chaired from 1989 to 1996. Published the «Church and the World» (Церковь и мир) newspaper. >>
Viktor Popov (1952) – Candidate of Technical Sciences, from 1976 to 1994 worked at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. >>
Alexander Porokhovshchikov (1892-1941) – he tested one of the first Russian aircraft in Riga in 1911, and the first tank in 1915. Shot in Moscow in 1941. >>
Konstantin Portnov (1908-1943) – a teacher, old-believer`s public figure, teacher of clerical law, anti-fascit. Shot by the Nazi. >>
Komita Portnova (born Yershova;1901 -1943?) – a teacher, anti-fascist, shot bu the Nazi. >>
Stepan Posevin (1880-1941) – an officer or Russian and Latvian army, author of some books. In 1940, Stepan Posevin was arrested by the NKVD and shot on April 3, 1941. >>
Zinaida Posnikova (1910–1976) – an accordeon player and pianist. >>
Pyotr Posnykov (1876-1930) – a pianist and teacher. >>
Galina Pospelova (1936–2018) – a teacher of history, Director of Riga 76th secondary school. Founder and Director of Riga Technolinguistic private secondary school. Honored teacher of the Latvian SSR, Doctor of pedagogy (Dr. paed.). >>