Boris Kholodov (1941) – Doctor of Engineering (Dr. sc. ing.), Docent of the Riga Technical University. >>
Pavel Khomsky (1925-2016) – an actor (1948-1951), producer of Riga Russian Drama Theatre (1959-1961), producer of Riga Young Spectator`s Theatre (1951-1961). >>
Yuri Khrol (1933-2008) – Habilitated Doctor of Chemistry (Dr. habil. chem.), professor, specialist in wood chemistry and technology, forest ecology, honorary member of the Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences (2000). >>
Pyotr Khudobchenok (1947-2024) – a famous craftsman in ceramics from Daugavpils. >>
Stephan Kirillov (1877-1967) – Old Believers public and political leader. >>
Igor Kirko (1918-2007) – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, academician, from 1948 to 1967 director of the Institute of Physics of Latvian Academy of Sciences. >>
Imant Kirtovsky (1930-2020) – economist, professor, corespondent-member of Latvian Academy of Sciences. >>
Mikhail Kiryakov (1874 - approx. 1952) – a member of Latgalian dstrict court, since 1934 member of Daugavpils district court. >>
Vasily Kislov (1847-1892) – a conductor and composer, choir master of the Riga Bischop`s Choir >>
Alexey Kizelbash (approx 1850-1916) – architect, public figure. >>