United Choir of the Riga and Daugavpils Circles
Archil Machabeli (1905–1960) – an outstanding surgeon, dounder and 1-st Director of Riga Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, professor, Doctor of medicine. >>
Lidia Machabeli (1918-1997) – Candidate of Engineering, docent of Riga Polytechnic Institute. >>
Hegumenia Magdalena (1921–1996) – mother superior of the Riga Holy Trinity–Sergius Convent from 1977 to 1996. >>
Anatoly Magidenko (1934-2013) – Habilitated Doctor of Economic (Dr. habil. oec.), professor of the Riga Technical University. >>
Alexey Makarov (1896–1943) – a teacher, from 1941 Principal of Riga city incoplete secondary school (Nr. ?), shot by the Nazi. >>
Pavel Makarov (1903-1943) – a colonel-lieutenant of the Latvian Army. >>
Galina Makarova (1952) – a sworn advocate, Doctor of Law. >>
Alexander Makedonsky (1867–1942) – an archpriest, member of the People`s Council of Latvia at the final stage. >>
Nikolay Makedonsky (1865–1954) – a mitred archpriest, clergyman, teacher of the Latvian. >>
Eduard Makharev (1943) – professor, habilitated doctor of engineering sciences (Dr. habil. sc. ing.). >>