The Third Riga Society of Mutual Credit
Yakov Kulnev (1763-1812) – major general, became famous in battles with Napoleon’s army. >>
Anatoly Kuptsov (1935–2011) – a historian, docent of the University of Latvia and Baltic International Academy. >>
Margarita Kurbatova (1902-1992) – Doctor of Medicine, Head of the Chair of Pediatry of Riga Medical Institute (1961-1971). >>
Leonid Kurdyumov (1939–2012) – Soviet and Latvian political and administrative leader. >>
Arkady Kurmelyov (1931-2019) – is a well-known teacher and teacher of Mathematics in Daugavpils. >>
Sergey Kurnosov (1916-1995) – docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, dean of Mechanical faculty of Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. >>
Tatyana Kurysheva (1937) – musicologist, musical journalist and critic. >>
Pavel Kushnirov (1863-1911) – teacher in Riga Real school named after Peter I. >>
Elena Kutner (1937) – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, docent of Riga Polytechnic Institute. >>
Afanasy Kuzmin (1947) – Latvian shooter, participant of 9 Olympic Games. At the Olympic Games (1988, Seul) won the gold medal, at the next Games (Barselona, 1992) was the second one. >>