John (Alekseyev; 1892–1966) – Head of Riga Eparchy (1958-1961), bishop (from 1961 – arcbishop). >>
John (secular name Nikolay Bulin; 1893–1941) – a Bishop of Pechory, vicar of the Tallinn eparchy. >>
John (Jānis) Pommer (1876–1934) – archbishop, Head of Latvian Orthodox Church from 1921 tо 1934. In 2001 was attributed to the holy priests-martyrs status. >>
John (Vladimir Sichevsky; 1978) – bishop of Jelgava and vicar of Riga Eparchy of Latvian Orthodox Church. >>
John Legky (1907–1995) – a bishop of Rockland of Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. >>
Nikolay Kabanov (1970) – Latvian politician and journalist, deputy of the Latvian Seima (2002-2014, 2018-2022). >>
Igor Kabashkin (1954) – specialist in the field of engineering and computer sciences, professor, hab. doctor, correspondent-member of Latvian Academy of Sciences. >>
Nikolay Kachalov (1911–1997) – organist and composer. >>
Maria Kachalova (1927–2022) –a fine art expert. >>
Olga Kachalova (1916-1988) – Doctor of Biological Sciences, researcher of the Institute of Biology at the Academy of Science of Latvia. >>