Pilgrims from Latvia to Valaam
Alexander Konradi-Kondrashov (1881–1955) – a colonel of the Latvian Army. >>
Alexander Konradi-Kondrashov (1916-1942) – Latvian Army officer, member of Russian Student Corporation «Ruthenia». >>
Konstantin (secular name Emmanuil Yesensky; 1907–1996) – a bishop of Russian Orthodox Church abroad. >>
Yevgeny Kopytov (1947-2014) – Habilitated Doctor of Engineerng, from 1999 to 2010 rector of the Institute of Transport and Communication. >>
Margarita Kopylova (1927-2004) – immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences (1971), awarded the Order Mother Heroine (1964). >>
Galina Korchemnaya (1958) – World Champion of Acrobatics in 1977. >>
Khaim Kordonsky (1919-1999) – professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, scientist and pedagogue in the field of probability theory and mathematical statistics. >>
Sergey Korenev (1883-1943) – a colonel of the Russian and Latvian armies, journalist and public figure of the pre-war period of Latvia, teacher. >>
Pyotr Koretsky (1877-1929) – deputy of the 1st Saeima of Latvia (1922-1925). >>
Mikhail Kornetsky (1926-2005) – an artist and an educator. >>