The site «Russians of Latvia» is dedicated to the history, culture and actual situation of the Russian national minority of Latvia. The site is a popular, encyclopaedic, constantly renewing network directory initially based on materials of the exhibition «Russian national minority of Latvia». Our on-line reference book will be useful to trainee, students, researchers, as well as to general public reading in Russian, Latvian or English languages. The directory has multi-level construction which allows to select materials starting with the historical topic or category.More





Olga Shilova. Bronze Milda. 2017. 90,5x34x24,5

News in the section of «Persons»

Andrey Gusachenko (1982) – a Latvian historian, PhD in history, specialist in the fields of the White Movement, Russian anti-Bolshevik organizations in the interwar Latvia, as well as the history of the Russian community in Latvia

News in the section of «Gallery»

Photos from the archive of Russian students fraternity «Fraternitas Arctica»

News in the section of «Persons»

Johann Esau (1859–1940) – an industrialist, a mayor of the city of Yekaterinoslav (now – Dnipro, Ukraine), one of the founders of the Riga Russian student fraternity Fraternitas Arctica

To the Memory of the victims of  Stalin regime



Димитрий Левицкий. "Национальность жертв не существенна для коммунистической власти..."

Тамара Никифорова. Баржа на Оби

Галина Петрова-Матиса. Звезда, погасшая до срока

Борис Равдин. Е.М. Тихоницкий. Просветитель на перепутье эпох

Борис Евланов и его собственноручные показания. Публикация Т. Фейгмане

о. Георгий Тайлов. За проволокой

Т. Фейгмане. Сергей Иванович Трофимов

Татьяна Фейгмане. «Следственное дело НКВД» на И.Н. Заволоко

Людмила Флам. Правовед П.Н. Якоби и его семья. Воспоминания. – Москва: Русский путь. Изд. 2-е, 2021

Елена Францман. «Но слишком рано твой ударил час...» (памяти В.В. Преображенского)